Anabel and her pets

Something about me and my animals.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

My baby Molly.

She is my dear baby Molly. She arrived home, being only a ten days old puppy!!! She came to my life only two weeks after my Dog Molly1 (I will put pictures of her aswell) crossed the Rainbowbridge.
Next 2nd November, she will be nine months old!!! She is a mixture of Belgium Shepperd, is very big and strong and is always doing "bad things", but inmmediately she begs pardon, ha,ha!!!!
The first pictures were taken in the moment she arrived home, and then you will see pictures of our last summer holidays in the North of Spain(Asturias).
Look at my puppy(10 days old!!!)
Here she is 15 days old.She opened her eyes for the first time!!!
Here, she was only one month old!
And now, the pictures from last July. I hope you like them!!!!
Here is Molly with her usual face"Mom, it wasn't me!!!"
Looking over a very old bridge (from the second century)
She is a very good traveller, and she was only 5 months old!!!
Sleeping in the car....
Greeting her many canine friends in Asturias
In the country after a big walk...
On the sofa, after a busy day...
She loves sunbathing...
With her "dad" in a bar...
In a beach of Galicia...


  • At 1:02 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Hi - Got your message from my cats blog, what cute animals you have!

  • At 4:50 PM, Blogger Timmy said…

    If Molly was a cat, he could be in the Tuxedo Gang! LOL!! She looks like me...but she's a dog! She was so tiny in the first picture my goodness!!!

  • At 6:23 PM, Blogger Robert said…

    Hi, Larry here from Catifornia. Molly reminds me a lot of my bean's dog Shadow! What a tiny puppy!

  • At 4:43 PM, Blogger ANABEL said…

    Thanks so much for your lovely words about my Molly.

    Larry, we (Molly and I) would be very pleased if we could see pictures of that beautiful dog you wrote about.

    Timothy, is there a Tuxedo Dogs' Club????

  • At 5:28 AM, Blogger Timmy said…

    I don't know of any but I bet you can start one!

  • At 9:20 AM, Blogger ANABEL said…

    Well, Timothy, that could be a good idea, ja,ja!!!!
    I must ask Molly about that!!!!


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