Gretka is three and half years old. She arrived home when she was one moth old. The first time I saw her, I thought she was a Labrador, ha,ha!!!
As you can see, I have no idea of how big are going to be puppies!!!
She is very nervous, and likes playing a lot. She also loves to be kissed by her mom.
When Molly arrived home, Gretka, felt very sad, she though I prefered the puppie and that I never loved her as I used to do.
She was very depressed and I sent her with my mom for three weeks until she was better and healthier.
Now, Gretka is like a mom to Molly, they enjoy very much together and spend a lot of time playing.
At 2:02 AM, ANABEL said…
Hi Kisrtin,
Thanks so much for visitin my blog. It has been a very nice surprise.
I am very glad that you like my pets.To my, they are like my children, and I like meeting people who feel like me.
Poor Batman, I am really worried about him. I ask God for him!!!!
Kirsin, of course you can put a link to my site in your blog, I'll do the same with your site.
At 5:37 AM, Pootlecat said…
Hola Anabel!
Thanks for your visit to my site, and your comments. You've got some great pets. Tigre is a very handsome cat. We've just got a new foster cat, she is very little and very scared at the moment. As she had no name we have to choose a name for her. I think she will be called Agatha!
I'll put a link to your site on mine if that's okay. hope to see you back soon. :)
At 12:22 PM, ANABEL said…
Hi Pootlecat!!!!
Agatha is a very nice name for your new cat!!!!
I've read you call her Aggie, that's a very sweet name!!!
I've linked your site here.
Hope to see pictures of Aggie!!!!
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