Anabel and her pets

Something about me and my animals.

Monday, October 25, 2004


Gretka is three and half years old. She arrived home when she was one moth old. The first time I saw her, I thought she was a Labrador, ha,ha!!!
As you can see, I have no idea of how big are going to be puppies!!!
She is very nervous, and likes playing a lot. She also loves to be kissed by her mom.
When Molly arrived home, Gretka, felt very sad, she though I prefered the puppie and that I never loved her as I used to do.
She was very depressed and I sent her with my mom for three weeks until she was better and healthier.
Now, Gretka is like a mom to Molly, they enjoy very much together and spend a lot of time playing.


  • At 2:02 AM, Blogger ANABEL said…

    Hi Kisrtin,
    Thanks so much for visitin my blog. It has been a very nice surprise.
    I am very glad that you like my pets.To my, they are like my children, and I like meeting people who feel like me.
    Poor Batman, I am really worried about him. I ask God for him!!!!
    Kirsin, of course you can put a link to my site in your blog, I'll do the same with your site.

  • At 5:37 AM, Blogger Pootlecat said…

    Hola Anabel!
    Thanks for your visit to my site, and your comments. You've got some great pets. Tigre is a very handsome cat. We've just got a new foster cat, she is very little and very scared at the moment. As she had no name we have to choose a name for her. I think she will be called Agatha!

    I'll put a link to your site on mine if that's okay. hope to see you back soon. :)

  • At 12:22 PM, Blogger ANABEL said…

    Hi Pootlecat!!!!
    Agatha is a very nice name for your new cat!!!!
    I've read you call her Aggie, that's a very sweet name!!!
    I've linked your site here.
    Hope to see pictures of Aggie!!!!


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