Anabel and her pets

Something about me and my animals.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Rainy day.

The current mood of Anabel at
Today it has been a cloudy, cold and rainy day, I enjoy these days very much.
I live in the South of Spain, where the sun is always shining and it is always very hot, but I hate that!!!
I love cold, rain, fog and even snow(although here you never see the snow). So, today I could not go for a walk with Gretka and Molly, that's why we decided to make a party here, at home!!!
These are some of the pictures I took some weeks ago, in other rainy day.
Molly with long hair...

The two dogs playing with the pink rabbit...

Molly looking at me with"vampire eyes!!!"

Gretka also wanted to have long white hair...


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